Sunday, May 7, 2017

5 Ways to Make HP Android RAM 1 GB Stay Light And Super Fast

Currently, the high specification on an HP Android becomes a must. Therefore, various latest Android applications do require high spec to support its features. Previously, Jaka never mentioned that 1 GB RAM on Android Now It's Not Enough More! However, certainly many of you who still have HP Android with only 1 GB of RAM. Do not worry! Because this time Jaka want to know 5 Ways to Make HP Android RAM 1 GB Stay Light and Speeding!

HP Android with 1 GB of RAM actually can still run smoothly if you use the right way. Hence, this time Jaka would love tips for optimizing your HP Android usage of its RAM is only 1 GB. Listen and follow the steps below, yes!

1. Root your HP Android!

Yep, this is the first thing you have to do. By rooting Android, you will have unlimited access to change, delete, add, and even destroy everything in your Android's Android system. So, do not hesitate to root your HP Android, yes! The trick is easy, you just read the following articles to nge-root your Android Android safely.

2. Replace your HP Android Android Launcher!

HP Android default Launcher like TouchWiz UI from Samsung or ZenUI from ASUS does have many features. But the launcher HP Android is usually also take a lot of RAM. In order not to heavy, you'll want to replace it with a lighter launcher. For example Zero Launcher
With a smaller and lighter launcher, your RAM and internal memory will no longer be full. Although lightweight, Zero launcher also has many cool features that are not inferior to your Android launcher.

3. Remove All Built Applications "Bloatware" Not Available!

On your Android phone there must be many innate applications installed since you first bought the HP Android. Various applications are usually can not be deleted or uninstalled. There are even those that can not be disabled. In addition to make the internal memory of HP Android you become more full, this default application is also often drain the RAM because it goes without us knowing. Well, you can use the System App Remover app to remove various default applications on your Android phone. How to use it you can see in the following article: How To Uninstall Many Applications Bbatware Android Default at Once.

4. Add Your RAM with the Greenify Application

Can i get RAM plus Android app? Oh, Please. With the Greenify application, you can make your Android RAM RAM so much more relieved and light. So you can still do various activities on your HP Android smoothly. Check out how to use the Greenify application in the following article: How to Add Android RAM Using Greenify.

5. Use your Android Phone as necessary

With limited RAM capacity, it means you can not do too much activity on your Android's Android (multi-tasking) at a time. You also can not open too many applications at the same time. Therefore, you must be smart to manage activities on your HP Android.

For example if you want to seriously play the game, turn off the first chat app like BBM, LINE, and so forth. Or if again cool chatting in BBM, turn off also other applications. If you know how to use these apps appropriately, your HP Android RAM which is only 1 GB will not feel heavy, really!

That 5 Ways to Make HP Android RAM 1 GB Staying Light and Speeding! If the steps you have done, guaranteed your HP Android RAM is only 1 GB will not feel heavy, slow, or nge-lag. If you have any other info about how to optimize Android RAM, please write your opinion in comment field below.

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